Subject Guide: 20th Century Art

            For Reference and User Services (LI813), we were assigned the creation of subject guide for a class in the ESU catalog.  This class introduced a variety of reference sources (both print and electronic) and encouraged us in the evaluation and selection of client-centered resources. It addressed current issues in user services and explored the use of technology to improve user services.
            For this assignment, I chose a twentieth century art history class. I researched subject guides used by a wide variety of librarians and considered the needs of the students who would be using this particular guide.  I explored the ESU library services and catalogs to create useful tutorials.  I decided to include some information literacy links in my subject guide as well; this included resources for using images responsibly and for citing sources in papers. I used thumbnails of twentieth century art from museums to illustrate the guide. I chose the open source software BlogSpot (now Blogger) to create the subject guide because I could replicate the tabbed format of SpringShare, a commercial software product used by many academic libraries to create subject guides.